Owner Relations

Greenlake Energy boasts a team of seasoned professionals poised to support our stakeholders. You'll find the relevant contact details below; however, comprehensive resources are also accessible on this webpage. Peruse the content to uncover particulars about updating your address, along with the requisite forms for completion and submission. Kindly be aware that our forms are all-encompassing and extend as a service without specificity. This platform does not dispense legal counsel, nor is it its intention. Further down, we've taken the initiative to address the most commonly raised inquiries by stakeholders.

Contact Information

Get in touch today!

We strive to respond to all correspondence within 2 business days of receipt.
Email is preferred for expedited processing.

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Owners Connect Here

When you contact us please have as much of the following information available as possible.  

The owner’s name.

The 6-digit owner number you are contacting us about.

The last four digits of the owner’s social security number or tax identification number.

A phone number we can call.

The payment date for the remittance you are contacting us about (if applicable).

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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get a copy of my revenue detail and payment history?

If you are registered with EnergyLink, you will be able view your revenue check detail online.

Go to EnergyLink https://www.energylink.com and login.

If you have never used EnergyLink, follow these steps to register:

1. Go to EnergyLink.com.

2. Click New to EnergyLink? Sign up here.

·         Select Operator's Region - United States

·         Select Document Type - REVENUE

·         Select Operator - Greenlake Energy I, LLC

You will need your 6-digit owner number and recent payment information to complete registration.  If you need assistance signing in or viewing your Greenlake Energy detail please contact the EnergyLink support team at www.energylink.com/contact, Support@Energylink.com, or 1-888-573-3364 and they will be happy to help.

When new payment details are available you will be notified by email and can print your backup directly from the email by clicking the “Print” hyperlink or by logging into the site.


How do I update my address?

If you need to update your address, we cannot accept the changes by phone. Address changes must be returned as indicated on a completed Change of Address Form. Please allow time for updates to occur.

We recommend placing a forwarding order with the United States Postal Service in case your request does not reach us before your next payment. If a check is returned to us because of an incorrect or old address, we will suspend all payments until a correct address is supplied by the owner with a Change of Address Form.


How do I update my name?

Please provide us with a copy of the legal documentation supporting the changes.


How can I sign up for direct deposit?

Download and complete the Direct Deposit Form. Include a copy of a voided check or bank letter and email the form to Greenlake Energy to start the test deposit process.

The purpose of the test deposit process is to verify account information for ACH and may take several months.  You will receive a paper check (assuming all other required paperwork has been completed) until the test is complete.  As part of this process, you will be notified when a small test deposit is made to your account and you will need to confirm receipt of the deposit.  After the test deposit has been verified by the owner, monthly revenue distributions will be switched from payment by check to payment by ACH.

Benefits of enrolling include:

• Paperless and environmentally friendly.

• Elimination of mail delays.

• Getting access to funds several days sooner.

• Reducing payment problems due to lost, stolen, or misdirected checks.

If you change financial institutions or close an account, please fill out a new Direct Deposit Form.


How do I transfer my interest?

Please forward a recorded copy of the applicable deed, assignment, or other legal instrument of conveyance, and any other information you feel is relevant to the transfer. Also, include the new owner's mailing address with a completed W-9 form. If transferring from a deceased person, requirements to transfer varies by state. In all cases, we will require a copy of the death certificate. If probate proceedings have been opened, please provide a copy of the admitted will and all probate documents. Please include the heirs' mailing addresses and completed W-9 forms.

All conveyance and heirship documents must be filed of record with the county where the property is located. Please contact the county clerk for specific information regarding recording requirements.


Why do I need to provide my W-9 Form?

A valid W-9 Form must be provided to Greenlake Energy for reporting and identification purposes. Without a W-9 form Greenlake Energy is required to withhold a higher percentage of revenue based on the Internal Revenue Service withholding rates.


When are 1099s issued?

Greenlake Energy will mail 1099s on or before January 31 on the following calendar year. If an owner did not receive a 1099 form and needs one, please call our Greenlake Energy owner relations team at 737-279-8299.


How often should I expect to receive payments?

Payments are issued around the 25th of each month. To receive a monthly check, the account balance must exceed $100. For balances less than this $100 minimum, checks are mailed annually in May.


Why does my monthly payment sometimes vary?

Many factors may contribute to your payment such as market conditions, fluctuating commodity prices, production volumes, etc.


Why does my payment differ from others in my family?

This may occur because ownership between family members is not equal, one party has not provided Greenlake Energy with a W-9, some family members may own interest in other properties in addition to those commonly owned, or some family members may be subject to different state taxes based on their resident state. Additionally, if a family member has been in suspense or has had checks returned and reissued this can cause the monthly payment amount to vary.


Useful links to help you stay informed.

Monitor legislation, advocate for energy production and private property rights, as well as educate the public, mineral and royalty owners, and legislators.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the only national trade association that represents all aspects of America's oil and natural gas industry.

National Association of Royalty Owners. The only national organization representing oil & gas royalty owners Interest.

It is a grassroots entity organized to advocate and educate Texas royalty owners, legislators, and industry leaders.